

リトル・チャロ (23) Miracle 奇跡、Far Away Yet Close Enough きずな 英語/日本語訳








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dog & person

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash




Miracle 奇跡 英語/日本語訳


In front of the theater,

Charo is surrounded by the crowd.

劇場の前で チャロは大勢の人に囲まれてしまいました


Mr. Gesner Bernhardt comes to see

what the commotion is all about.

With him is Ken Matsumoto,

who is to star in Bernhardt's next musical.

バーンハート氏が なんの騒ぎかと見にきます

次回作の主演の ケン・マツモトもいっしょです


Gesner, look...a cute little dog.

He has a red star on his collar.

What is this? Some sort of a promotion?

見たまえ 子犬が赤い星を首輪につけてるぞ

何だい? プロモーションかい?


Well, if it is, it's pretty original....

Hmm, I wonder what that envelope is.

ならば なかなかシャレてるが… あの封筒はなんだろう


Charo goes up to Mr. Bernhardt and drops the envelope.

チャロはバーンハート氏に近寄って 封筒を置きます


What? For me? Cute little dog.... Let's see....

Oh, this is the script for One Last Ticket.

Surprise, surprise!

ぼくにかい? かわいいワンちゃん どれどれ…

「一枚の切符」の脚本じゃないか! これはビックリだ!


What is it?



It's actually for you, too. The script for our next show.

It's very good, especially the main character, your part.

The playwright did a wonderful job.

君のものでもあるよ 次回作の脚本さ

特に君のセリフがよく書けてるんだ すばらしい脚本家がいたもんだ


Wow, I've never heard you praise anyone like that.

君がそんなに人をほめるのは 初めて聞いたよ


You wait and see. By the way, she's Japanese.

まあ楽 しみにしてくれ 日本人女性さ





That's what I heard.



Just then, Tomoko arrives.

She is dragging her foot, but she seems all right.

そのとき トモコが到着 足を引きずっていますが 大丈夫そうです


Arf! There she is! Tomoko, hurry, hurry!

トモコだ! 急いで!


Mr. Bernhardt! I'm sorry to be late.

I'm Tomoko Hashimoto.

バーンハートさん! 遅れてごめんなさい トモコ・ハシモトです。


Well, well, well. So you are Ms. Hashimoto.

Very glad to meet you.

きみがハシモトさんか お会いできてよかった


Ken, let me introduce you to our new playwright. This is...

ケン 紹介しよう こちら 新しい脚本家の…


I know who she is.



Ken and Tomoko look at each other.

Tomoko's eyes are already filled with tears.

見つめ合うケンとトモコ トモコの瞳にはすでに涙が


Of course she can write my part well.

She knows me better than anyone else.

ぼくの役がよく書けて当然さ ぼくのことを誰よりも知ってる人だから





With that, Tomoko runs into Ken's arms.

The cameras flash.

トモコはケンの胸に飛び込みました フラッシュがいっせいに光ります


Arf! Tomoko, I'm so happy for you.

Your dream is really coming true!

トモコ おめでとう ほんとうに夢がかなったね!


Mr. Matsumoto, a good smile for us, please!

マツモトさん 笑顔で一枚お願いします!


Okay. But not without this little dog here.

He's the one who brought us all together.

いいとも ただしこの子犬もいっしょにだ 全部この子のおかげだから!


Ken holds Charo in front of himself.



At that moment, one of the cameramen

stops shooting and walks up to them.

そのとき ひとりのカメラマンが撮影を止め 近づいてきました


えー? …チャ、チャロ、か…?


Um...yes, this is Charo. And you are...?

はい チャロですけど あなたは?


間違いない! チャロじゃないか!


ワン! パパだ! 翔太のパパだ!


Charo jumps into Shota's father's arms!



チャロ! こんなところで会えるなんて!

ワン! ワンワン!


Sir...do you know him?



Oh, yes! Excuse me. This Charo here,

he's our dog, my son's best friend.

そりゃもう! 失礼 うちの犬で 息子の大親友なんです


Then, you are Shota's father!

Oh, my gosh! Isn't this wonderful?

Both our dreams are coming true, on the very same day!

じゃあ あなたが翔太のパパ! すごい! すばらしい!

私たちの夢がどちらも ピッタリ同じ日にかなうなんて!


Enjoying the happy atmosphere,

Charo is thinking of Candy.

幸せにつつまれ チャロはキャンディを思います


Candy, the story of the red star... it was true!

My dream is coming true,

and the red star really helped me....

キャンディ 赤い星の話は本当だったよ

夢がかなったんだ 赤い星のおかげだよ



Far Away Yet Close Enough きずな 英語/日本語訳


Springtime in Japan.

The cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

日本は春 桜はいまが満開


Charo stops and looks up at the pink blossoms.

His mind starts to wander back to his wonderful friends.

立ち止まって ピンクの花を見上げるチャロ



Charo's story has become the US media's favorite.

チャロの奇跡の物語は アメリカのメディアのお気に入り


Hey, Louisa. Look at this cute little puppy.

Isn't this a sweet story?

ルイーザ このかわいい子犬を見て すてきな話よね




Louisa draws a card. The first one is C, for Candy!

ルイーザがカードを引きました 1枚目はC… キャンディです!


Arf, arf! Look, Chris!

見て クリス!


What is it, Candy?

どうしたの キャンディ?


Arf! It's him! Charo! He did it!

He really made his dream come true!

チャロだわ! 帰ったのよ! ほんとうに夢をかなえたのよ!


Louisa draws a second card,

and it's an A...for Andorra.

2枚目のカードは… アンドーラのAです


I always knew you would make it, Charo.

Stay as you are, and you shall never lose your way again.

チャロ あなたならできるとわかっていたわ

ありのままの自分でいれば もう道を見失うことはないわよ


Louisa's next card is...S.

3枚目のカードは… S


Sirius is walking in the park with Catherine.

He is enjoying the sweet smell of the flowers.

シリウスはキャサリンと公園を散歩中 花の香りを楽しんでいます


They're beautiful, aren't they?



And I now know the true joys of life.

I owe it to Charo and Dread.

Thank you, you two. I'll never forget you.

生きる喜びがわかるようになったのは チャロとドレッドのおかげさ

ありがとう きみたちを絶対に忘れないよ


Finally, Louisa draws the card T... for Tomoko.

最後にルイーザが引いたカードは…T トモコです


See, Charo? The premiere is to be held tonight.

This is so unreal....

ほらチャロ 今夜が初演なんだよ 信じられないね


Looking at that photo again?

あら またその写真?


Well, it's just that... everything turned out so perfectly

it's almost hard to believe.

だって 何もかも完ぺきで 夢を見てるみたい


Come on! It's true all right.

何言ってるの 現実よ


Arf! Yes, it is! And all thanks to Charo!

That small pup was really something.

そうだよ! みんなチャロのおかげさ! あいつはたいしたヤツさ!


C-A-S-T, "cast."

The letters were from the names of

those who helped Charo get home.

And, of course...




Hey, Margherita! Look! Isn't this Charo?

ねえ マルゲリータ! 見て! これ チャロじゃない?


Oh, my! Look at that! He made it!

He got back to Japan! Can you believe it?

That pup is a miracle I'm telling you.

まぁ チャロったら やったじゃない!

日本に帰ったのね! あの子は奇跡よ


Well, Charo was like a kid brother to me.

He was a good pup.

I gave him a ribbon as a present...

and a sausage, too, mm-hum!

チャロはボクの弟分みたいなもんさ いいヤツだったよ

リボンをプレゼントしてやったな それにソーセージもだぜ!


"I will." I wonder whether Charo remembered

these two words.

l Will. 彼はこの言葉を覚えているかな?


I'm sure he did.

ええ きっと


He must have earned the trust of others

and made his way through. What a pup!

周囲の信頼を勝ち得て やりとげたのだろう 驚くべき子だ!


Warm sunlight is pouring into Dread's empty nest.

暖かな日ざしが ドレッドの空っぽのねぐらに注いでいます


A tender gust of wind blows,

and down comes a pale, pinkish petal.

A cherry blossom?

優しい風が吹き抜け 淡いピンクの花びらが舞いおります 桜?


Dread...can you see the pink blossoms?

Aren't they beautiful?

ドレッド見える?ピンクの花 きれいでしょ?


Wait, Shota! I'm coming!

待って 翔太! いま行く!


Charo runs straight to Shota.




The two are laughing and barking,

romping their way...back home.

笑い じゃれあいながら家路につく 2つの影がありました




次回からは チャロがニューヨークで映画撮影!?

Little Charo New York Again お楽しみに


次回は9月17日(金) PM1:35~1:45と、9月18日(土)AM6:35~6:45放送です。

