

リトル・チャロ (21) One Last Ticket 一枚の切符、Shota’s Father! ビッグニュース 英語/日本語訳








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tickets building

Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash




マネージャーに頼み込み あこがれの演出家に脚本を見てもらうことになったトモコ

チャロは そんなトモコを応援すると 心に決めるのでした



One Last Ticket 一枚の切符 英語/日本語訳


Tomoko has been sitting in front of the computer

for hours, struggling with her script.

トモコは何時間もパソコンの前で 脚本と格闘していました


Tomoko! How's it going? You still have time

before you mail it tomorrow, right?

Are you finished already?

調子はどう? 郵送は明日でいいんでしょ? もうできたの?


Um...well...sort of.

But it needs some more polishing.

まあね でも もっと手を入れないと


That's great! Keep it up, girl....

すごいじゃない! その調子よ


Listen, I'm heading to Sam's place now,

but I've made you some sandwiches.

Don't forget to eat them, all right? I'll see you later.

さて サムのところに行ってくるわ サンドイッチを作っておいたから

忘れずに食べるのよ じゃあね


Thanks, Jane. Yeah, see you later.

ありがとう ジェーン じゃあ


Charo! Louis!

Why don't you two be my first audience?

チャロ! ルイ! 私の最初の観客になってくれない?




I take that as a "yes." Okay, here we go. Ahem!

今のは「yes」ね? じゃあ始めるわよ!


Now, this is about a woman

who meets a man from another country.

ある女性が 外国から来た男性に出会うの


The two fall madly in love with each other,

get engaged, and are just about to get married...

but then, a terrible war breaks out.

The man is forced to return to his home country.

2人は激しい恋に落ち 結婚の約束をし もうすぐ結婚式というときに…

ひどい戦争が始まり 男性は国に連れ戻されてしまうの


Yes, it's sad, right?

Well, the woman is in despair, but then one day,

she gets hold of a ticket to the last ship

that's headed for her lover's country!

そう 悲しいよね 失意の彼女 しかしある日…

恋人の国へ向かう最後の船の切符を 一枚だけ手に入れるの!


But, it turns out that a dear friend of hers

needs that ticket, too....

You see, her friend has a deadly disease

that can only be cured in that other country.

ところが 彼女の親友が 同じ切符を必要としていたのよ…

その友だちは命にかかわる難病で その国でしか治療できないの


Oh, no!



Of course the woman hesitates,

but finally gives her ticket to her friend,

knowing that she would never see her lover again....

悩んだ彼女 でも最後に切符を友人に譲るの



Tomoko goes on with her story...

an inspiring human drama,

gripping with all its twists and turns.


起伏にとんだドラマが 心をつかんで離しません


Sad but beautiful. I like it very much!

悲しいけど美しいお話だね ぼく 気に入ったよ とっても!


Couldn't agree more.

まったくもって そのとおり


So...what would you do, Charo?

Would you be able to give up your only ticket

to happiness for a friend?

チャロなら こんなときどうする?

友だちの幸せのために 一枚しかない切符をあげられる?


I...don't know.



I know it must be difficult, but... I sure hope I can.

Anyway, that's the kind of person I want to be....

きっと難しい でも できたらいいなって思うの

私 そういう人間になりたいな


Tomoko stands up and goes back to work again.

トモコは立ち上がり 執筆にもどります


The next morning... in front of the post box.

Tomoko has been standing there for a while

with Charo and Louis.

翌朝 ポストの前で立ちつくすトモコ チャロとルイもいっしよです


No...I can't mail it. It's not good enough yet.

ダメ 出せないよ まだ中途半端だもの


Arf arf! No, Tomoko. Don't worry!

Believe in yourself.

迷っちゃだめだよ トモコ! 自分を信じて!


It's now or never! Bow-wow!



Tomoko turns around and starts to walk away

from the post box. Then suddenly...

Charo snatches the envelope from Tomoko's hand.

トモコがポストに背を向け 歩き始めると 突然―



Louis, help me! We need to mail this.

ルイ手伝って! これ 出すんだから


What? Oh, got it! Leave it to me!

えっ? わかった! 任せなっ!


Louis stands in front of the post box.

Charo jumps on his back! But...

ルイはポストの前に立ち チャロはその背中に飛び乗りますが―


Charo...Louis.... Okay, I get the message.

チャロ… ルイ… いいわ その気持ち受け取った


Tomoko gently takes the envelope from Charo's mouth

and drops it in the post box herself.

トモコはそっと封筒を取ると 自分でポストに差し入れました


The three look at each other and smile.

1人と2匹は見つめ合い ニッコリしました



Shota’s Father! ビッグニュース 英語/日本語訳


One evening, Charo is dozing off...

and suddenly sees the purple smoke rise again.

ある晩 チャロがまどろんでいると 突然 紫の煙が立ちのぼってきました


Andorra? Is it you?



Hello, Charo! How have you been?

チャロ! 元気にしてた? 


I really wanted to see you!

You appeared in Tomoko's dream, right?




Uh-huh. I knew she would understand and so....

She's nice, isn't she?

そうよ トモコならわかってくれるもの 優しくしてくれているでしょ?


Yes. She takes good care of me.

うん ぼくを大事にしてくれてるよ


Now today, I have some news for you about Shota's father.

He's here in New York now.

今日はニュースがあるの じつは今 翔太のお父さんがニューヨークにいるの








Andorra places her hand on Charo's forehead.

Little by little, he is able to see...Shota's father!

He is talking with someone he is working with.

アンドーラがチャロのおでこにさわると 少しずつ お父さんが見えてきました



This is where my son and I stayed

the last time we were in the City.

And from here, we went straight to the airport.

この前来たときに このホテルに息子と泊まったんです



But he was just a little pup, right?

I hate to say this, but it's really tough

for a stray dog to survive here.

I don't think he would have made it.

でも ほんの子犬でしよ?

言いにくいけど この街で野良犬が生きていくのは難しいわ



Maybe not....

But still, my son begged me to look for him.

This Charo...he's really special.

そうだけど… 息子はどうしても 捜してくれって言うんですよ

チャロは かけがいのないヤツなんでね


The voice of Shota's father fades away,

as well as the image.



When was this?

これ いつのこと?





Then, I still might be able to see him today!

じゃあ 今日まだ会えるかもしれない!


Are you going to the hotel?






Of course you will, won't you? But Charo...

I want you to remember something....

そう言うと思った でもね チャロ 覚えておいてほしいことがあるの


If you ever have to make a decision,

a big decision, and can't make up your mind,

ask yourself: What is it that you really want?





Follow your heart and it will lead you to the right answer.

自分のハートにしたがえば きっと正しい答えにたどり着くわ


What is it that I really want...



You don't have to understand now.

Just keep my words in mind, okay?

今は わからなくてもいいのよ ただ心に留めておいてね いい?


Now, wake up and run to Shota's father.

では 目を覚まして 翔太のお父さんのところへ走りなさい


Charo opens his eyes

and finds himself back in Tomoko's room.

目を開くと そこはトモコの部屋


He jumps up and rushes to the hotel.



In front of the hotel, a few men are getting into a van.

Among them is Shota's father!




Arf arf!


However, before anybody notices the little dog,

the door of the van is shut.

でも 誰も子犬に気づきません バンのドアは閉まってしまいました


So I'll see you here again on Wednesday, 12 o'clock sharp.

じゃ またここで 水曜日の12時ちょうどに


Got it. Wednesday, 12 noon.

了解 水曜の正午だね!


Yep. Take it easy.

ええ お気をつけて!


Charo runs as fast as he can, but the van starts off.

全速力で走るチャロ しかしバンは走り出します


Arf arf! Wait! It's me! Charo! Don't leave me!

待って! ぼくだよ! チャロだよ! 置いていかないで!


Charo barks hard but the van leaves with a loud roar.

しかしバンは大きなエンジン音をたて 走り去ってしまいました


Charo is lucky, though.

He did hear the last part of the conversation.

でも チャロは幸運にも 会話の最後を聞いていました


Wednesday noon....

If I come here on that day, that time,

I will be able to meet Shota's father!

水曜日の正午… その日のその時間に

ここに来れば 翔太のパパに会えるんだ!


Well, will he?

Charo looks up at the New York sky.

A shiver runs through him.


チャロは空を見上げます 小さな身体にふるえが走りました




次回は 「夢に向かって」 「タイムアップ」

9月3日(金) PM1:35~1:45と、9月4日(土)AM6:35~6:45放送です。

